fat freezing

​​Cyro / Fat freezing​

​​Known as the world’s most popular, non-invasive fat reduction treatment Cryolipolysis is a body-contouring treatment that leverages the power of cold to help you reach your body goals. It’s a fast, effective treatment that literally freezes away fat cells.

​Cryo / Fat Freezing

Known as the world’s most popular, non-invasive fat reduction treatment CoolSculpting is a body-contouring treatment that leverages the power of cold to help you reach your body goals. It’s a fast, effective treatment that literally freezes away fat cells. During CoolSculpting, a practitioner moves the CoolSculpting device over the areas of fat you want removed. The device safely reaches through your skin into your fat cells, delivering sufficient cold to freeze those cells.This process destroys the fat cells and, over the coming weeks, your body flushes them out via your lymphatic system. This results is an increasingly trim frame in the weeks after your treatment. Treatments can take around 45 minutes or less. One treatment may deliver your desired results however for more stubborn areas we recommend anywhere from three to eight treatments. Unsure where to begin? Call us today to set up a consultation.

Small Area: Below Chin, Bra Bulge, Under Buttocks
Large Area: Abs, Outer/Inner thigh, Back, Flanks,Upper Arms

Per Session

​​​1 Small Area   $​​200
​​​1 Large Area   $​​4​00
​2 ​Small Areas   $​​​3​00
​2 Large Areas   $​6​00
​​​​8 ​Small Areas   $​​​999
​​​​8 Large Areas   $​​​2,100

1000 Crunches

This is the only noninvasive procedure with absolutely no downtime. The purpose of this treatment is to build muscle while contouring the body. While using High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, abdominal muscle is exposed to supramaximal contracts from flank to flank, simulation a “crunch”. After a few treatments muscle mass can increase by 16% while reducing fat by 19% on average.

​Infared Pressure Therapy

The Infrared Pressotherapy treatment will improve the circulation of lymph, draining the waste out of body. Air wave massage is gentle and soft which is safe for patient for during treatment. The pressure on one side of the air chamber is 200000 Pa. 30 minutes pressotherapy treatment can burn same calories as doing sit-ups for 150 times. Plus, it can speed up the inner circulation by the air chambers around the belly, thigh and shank, which can effectively adjust incretion and drain the toxin out of body.


Detoxifies and burns fat.
Remove unwanted fats in your Tummy, waist, hip and four limbs.
Extracts waste from the body such as heavy metals, poisons etc., activates hormones.
Speeds up metabolism and enhances absorption of nutrients.
Acts as physical therapy for myalgia & neurosis. Balances the autonomic nervous system and has a beneficial effect on sore muscles, lactic acid and the liver.
Improves the immune system and prevents growth of cancer cells.
Diminishes inflammation.
Speeds up metabolism so that improves functioning of organs, such as liver, intestine and stomach.
Acts as physical therapy for myalgia & neurosis. Balances the autonomic nervous system and has a beneficial effect on sore muscles, lactic acid and the liver.
— Recuperates insufficiency physiological exercise, promotes sleep and sleepiness.


— Firming the arms, legs, thighs, buttocks, waist, back, abdominal muscles and reshape the body figure.
— Improve and treat the orange peel like fatty tissues of different serious levels.
— With the effects of soothing, decompression and pain relief (such as joint pain, sciatica), promote the regular mechanical aerobic exercise of skin tissue, rapidly relieve stress and remove fatigue.
— Firming, lifting and compact the skin and mold the face shape.
— Circulate and activate cells, promote metabolism and so that 100% more collagen and elastic fibers may be gained for improving the facial and body skin.

​Lipo Laser

Lipo Laser is one of the latest and most advanced fat reduction treatments, using laser technology to treat fat cells in the targeted area by exposing them to very high temperatures. Once the fat cells are treated, the body gradually disposes of them, providing noticeable results in just 6 to 12 weeks following treatment.