coolsculpting cryo

Weight loss & Body sculpting

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 The world’s most popular, non-invasive  CoolSculpting is a body-contouring treatment that leverages the power of cold to help you reach your body goals. It’s a fast, effective treatment that literally freezes away fat cells.

No More Stubborn Fat! 

This non-invasive procedure can be accomplished in as little as one hour per site and produces long-lasting results faster and more efficiently than diet and exercise.

Abdomen & Lower Back

The abdomen is one of the most difficult areas in which to get rid of stubborn fat, and fat in the lower back can be especially noticeable even when wearing a loose waistband. You may also have difficulty finding flattering clothes that fit properly, and lowered self-esteem can make you self-conscious when wearing a bathing suit or other tummy-bearing clothing. After this procedure, patients generally see a noticeable decrease in these fat bulges that will continue to improve within two to four months.

$400  PER AREA 

3 SEASONS 1,100

5 SEASONS 1,850

Banana Rolls, Thighs

Banana Rolls

The pocket of fat that forms below the buttocks and above the thigh crease, resembling the shape of a banana, is often called the banana roll. If you want to get rid of your banana rolls to feel confident in swimwear and achieve a slim, smooth lower buttock contour, CoolSculpting Cryo may be the solution for you!


Wobbly thighs and "saddle bags" Say  good riddance to burdensome fat and achieve more slender, svelte inner and outer thighs as CoolSculpting Cryo literally freezes the fat away. Have no fear of wearing short shorts and skirts after this procedure!


3 SEASONS $950


A double chin can add years to your image, and it shouldn’t be the thing you can’t help but see in the mirror. Define your jawline and ditch the double chin with CoolSculpting Cryo. It’s the safe, clinically proven way to eliminate the double chin and say hello to a younger-looking you!


3 SEASONS  $500

5 SEASONS  $850

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